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Adaptil Collar spreads pheromones that calm and reassure your dog making enjoying life and learning new behaviors a breeze.
The Adaptil Collar is a special collar your dog can wear to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. During visits or whilst travelling or during loud festivities, the Adaptil Collar will reassure your dog that it is in a safe environment and keep him from reaching heightened stress levels that reduce his life quality and possibly reduce life expectancy in the long run. Adaptil Collar improves your bond with the dog as he can associate the given collar and its relaxing effects with you. Next New Year's Eve, your dog can enter the new year in a relaxed state, with the Adaptil Collar
Before you can proceed to purchase this product you should confirm the following : Your pet was examined by a vet who recommended the use of this product on the basis of his/her diagnosis You understand and agree that whilst your pet is fed this product , you seek veterinary adice regarding the usage of this product at least every 6 monts. You understand and agree that you seek immediate veterinary advice if your pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst you use this product.
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